Sunday, December 9, 2012

NEW YEARS; Some Things To Focus On

The secret to a Spirit filled life is to first be Born Again,
Next to Daily be in Gods Word and Secret prayer.
Also to be doing what we have read and prayed about in Gods word.
Daily killing the fleshly desires and living to the Spirit!

An evangelist from the past declared to a particular group this message from Heaven,

Confess all known sin to God.

Cease all doubtful habits,

Obey the Holy Ghost promptly.

Confess Christ Publicly!

In regards to Daily Bible reading.  D.L. Moody used to read a sentence or two of scripture each day and then off he would go to minister. As time went on he saw that his faith was weak and accomplishing little. He came to a revelation that he needed to spend hours a day reading the word. As he committed to this his ministry changed and God started answering his prayers and true fruit was born.

The previous post has a very effective Bible reading plan. I hope you will adopt it!

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